Right, I understand that there are problems. The important procedure is to remove older "What is KDE" pages, other than the one on the site (if there are any). On the front page having an image or a large hyper link to What is KDE, and aswell Try KDE would increase be useful for users visiting the website. From this link it would come to a new page.

On the new page I would suggest we have different areas for the different type of users - Everyone, Small Buisness, Organisations.  These could be image hyperlinks that reflect each group and keeping it as simple as possible will help the usability more. After the user clicks on the image link they go to What is KDE page, with the information targetted to that group.

It is my opinion, that it isn't wise to try and write one document that summarises KDE for beginners, large organisations or even advanced computer users. The primary reason there is conflict.  Keeping them seperate would ensure there isn't any confusion between them. My first paragraph is a start what could be done to solve this issue, but require coordination with other people. The coordination is for someone to write an article related to the needs of larger organisations and buisnesses - this I mentioned in an email earlier.

If we get this right, it would introduce website users to KDE in a more streamlined fashion. That would be brilliant!

--Didn't Send to Promo List.

On 17/06/06, Adriaan de Groot <groot@kde.org> wrote:
On Saturday 17 June 2006 12:39, Mr Bulldog wrote:
> I have been working on this for the morning and wrote somethings up. I
> would be greatful if you could have anyone could check them out to see if
> they are okay.

Two little things:

- there are a *lot* of "what is KDE?" texts floating around out there. The one
on the website (www.kde.org) is kind of dusty and old. There's another one
being worked on by the marketing group; I'll see if I can post that here.

- writing a document for many audiences is tough. The beginning of the
document should really sort out the audiences so each person is reading the
right bit of the document. One of the things in the
gosh-its-been-ongoing-for-so-long website update is to make it more clear
where the various audiences of the website need to go.

KDE Quality Team