There’re still printer features only available for Windows, like ProofJob, UserCode, LockedPrint. The main reason is CUPS PPD doesn’t provide a mechanism to allow arbitrary user input. (Kprinter did provide a mechanism to write a printer UI plugin, but has many limitations)


CUPS will have extended PPD support from 1.2. I copied some part of cups/cups/sample.ppd from cups weekly build r4547.


Is it possible for kprinter to support those CUPS PPD extentions? We do have a lot of Linux users craving to have all features that are supported by Windows.






*OpenUI IntOption/Integer: PickOne
*OrderDependency: 10 AnySetup *IntOption
*DefaultIntOption: None
*IntOption None: ""
*IntOption 1: "<</cupsInteger0 1>>setpagedevice"
*IntOption 2: "<</cupsInteger0 2>>setpagedevice"
*IntOption 3: "<</cupsInteger0 3>>setpagedevice"
*IntOption 4: "<</cupsInteger0 4>>setpagedevice"
*IntOption 5: "<</cupsInteger0 5>>setpagedevice"
*cupsUIType IntOption: Integer
*cupsUIMinimum IntOption: "1"
*cupsUIMaximum IntOption: "5"
*cupsUICommand IntOption: "<</cupsInteger0 3 1 roll>>setpagedevice>>"
*CloseUI: *IntOption

*OpenUI RealOption/Real Number: PickOne
*OrderDependency: 10 AnySetup *RealOption
*DefaultRealOption: None
*RealOption None: ""
*RealOption 1: "<</cupsReal0 1>>setpagedevice"
*RealOption 2: "<</cupsReal0 2>>setpagedevice"
*RealOption 3: "<</cupsReal0 3>>setpagedevice"
*RealOption 4: "<</cupsReal0 4>>setpagedevice"
*RealOption 5: "<</cupsReal0 5>>setpagedevice"
*cupsUIType RealOption: Real
*cupsUIMinimum RealOption: "1"
*cupsUIMaximum RealOption: "5"
*cupsUICommand RealOption: "<</cupsReal0 3 1 roll>>setpagedevice>>"
*CloseUI: *RealOption

*OpenUI TextOption/Text: PickOne
*OrderDependency: 10 AnySetup *TextOption
*DefaultTextOption: None
*TextOption None: ""
*TextOption NOFORN: "<</cupsString0 (NOFORN)>>setpagedevice"
*TextOption FOIA: "<</cupsString0 (FOIA)>>setpagedevice"
*TextOption FOUO: "<</cupsString0 (FOUO)>>setpagedevice"
*cupsUIType TextOption: Text
*cupsUICommand TextOption: "<</cupsString0 3 1 roll>>setpagedevice>>"
*CloseUI: *TextOption