No, and the response I (and others) get every time we mention it is exactly the responses you have seen here... "we don't need it", "who needs it in one program", "there are several apps that do the same thing", etc..... No-one seems to realize that the developers can not dictate what a company or client is going to use. They want an exchange like environment. They have one, they are not going to change. -Chris John Hawkes-Reed wrote: > > On Thursday 05 July 2001 3:37 pm, Christopher Molnar wrote: > > > Windows has a compatable client (outlook). We need a compatable server. > > The coprorate market is starting to trust Linux as a server platform. We > > need to have the functionality of exchange to completely replace NT. > > I think I share the need for a calendar/appointment server. At work, the M$ > people have Exchange and the unix people have... Nothing. > > Is/are there any work/ideas happening at the 'back end'? > > -- > JH-R > _______________________________________________ > Kde-pim mailing list > > _______________________________________________ Kde-pim mailing list