Well, I had hoped to get a totally working nice KPilot out the door this weekend. Yeah, right. But I *do* now have a working KitchenSync SyncManager, one that at least can handle the process of registereing a daemon, displaying useful information to the user during a sync, and unregistering it. I don't have the daemon selection code yet. To do that I'll have to get a super-stripped down kpilotDaemon working first (something a little more than just retrieving the user name which is what it does now). -- To UNSUBSCRIBE from the KPilot mailing list, send a message with subject "unsubscribe kpilot-list" and an empty body to majordomo@slac.com. Adriaan de Groot -- KPilot 4.2 (for KDE 2.2) maintainer http://www.cs.kun.nl/~adridg/kpilot/