Hello. Given that syncing to kab via abbrowser appears to be working (I've heard no complaints yet, so either it's working and people are happy or no one's attempted to use it), I was wondering if anyone has time to add at least minimal functionality of folders into abbrowser. Right now when the palm pilot is syncing, it is storing the folder string in a field called "X-Folder" (see the ContactEntry class, getFolder() and setFolder()). Abbrowser assumes it is just a custom field, however I would like abbrowser to actually use the folder entry and display the contacts accordingly. I would be fine with at least the functionality that the palm pilot address application has: 1. view all addresses 2. view addresses of a particular folder 3. view all unfilled adddresses. I think we should seriously consider adding a folder tree. Perhaps abbrowser could actually be a split pane, with the left half being a QListView of the folders. I know this a pie in the sky wish, but we at least need the functionality that I enumerated above. Does anyone have time to code this? Also, I want to start to talk about creating use cases and eventually architecting the KabDaemon that has been previously discussed. I'm going to go back over past emails that discussed this and see if I can send out an email describing the functionality that is required by all. I'll try to get that email out before I travel and move. Cheers, -- - Greg Stern Naval Research Lab 202-404-7616