Yup, it works. Here's the relevant information that I've also added to the README. This parser works in a similar fashion to my vCard and Internet Mail Message parsing libraries which you'll find hanging around in CVS as pim/vCard and kdenonbeta/empath/rmm respectively. I've now tested this with an .ldif exported from Netscape Communicator 4.6 (Linux glibc). It looks like folding is interpreted correctly, as is rebuilding of folded lines. I haven't implemented Base64 encoding / decoding as yet, but at least it recognises when something's encoded. (note: I'm working on a base64 codec which I'm trying to make as fast as possible. It'll appear soon in librmm, libvCard and libldif). Note that Communicator 4.6 isn't using the latest draft spec of ldif, which is called: "The LDAP Data Interchange Format (LDIF) - Technical Specification" Filename: draft-good-ldap-ldif-04.txt This spec was only released on 22nd June 1999, too late for Communicator 4.6 Due to this, the format that is exported is slightly different, though not enough to confuse the parser. The new spec adds a compulsory 'version' line. The parser will generate its own version line using version '0' in this case. Using the current draft, the version should be set to 1. Also note that URL lines aren't recognised correctly as they are missing the '<' character that identifies them. I guess this is the fault of the old spec and not Communicator. Feedback is welcome ! Cheers, Rik -- KDE - Colour outside the lines : http://www.kde.org [[without]] - software for KDE : http://without.netpedia.net