On Tuesday 16 March 2010 18:32:50 Aaron J. Seigo wrote: > of course, in reality, you get a "Brakes failing" message, or maybe even > "ABS!" on some cars. while ABS is jargon, it's as "good" as they can get > it and it usually comes with the "brakes" icon for good measure. but they > never say "Bosch". I think an important point to remember here is that people need to be able to relate error messages to failure in their system. Users might see an error (say Lion Mail doesn't work ;-)), if they've read before that Akonadi isn't available, there's no way to relate that, if they read that the Email Service is down, that's much clearer. One of the most important things to help users diagnose (and thus fix) their problems is to show those relationships between errors and expected behaviour. That's not always clear as the failure might be noticed way after the user saw the error. At least that's my experience from hunting bugs with systems I don't completely understand and which are thus potentially stressful to me, especially when something doesn't work and I don't get feedback immediately or can't relate earlier feedback to my issue. -- sebas http://www.kde.org | http://vizZzion.org | GPG Key ID: 9119 0EF9 _______________________________________________ KDE PIM mailing list kde-pim@kde.org https://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde-pim KDE PIM home page at http://pim.kde.org/