* Kontact -- Exchange Support (4): I've always had trouble with Evolution and Kontact. I still need to use an RDP client for some Outlook tasks - specifically, for group scehduling. But for daily email, ldap contacts, personal appointments, and reading my calendar, Kontact does a decent job. Some things are actually much faster in Kontact than in Outlook, such as searching messages, although downloading email is slower. UPDATE 20060916: A friend told me that Evolution has, well, evolved and is much better than when I last tried to use it (about 6mos ago). I tried again. On the KDE desktop at least, it remains buggy and prone to crashes. I do really miss better calendar integration, but after a day of trying it, I've again reverted to Kontact. Open Kontact, and ... Settings -> Configure Kontact -> Kontact [x] Always start with specified component Settings -> Configure Kontact -> "Select Components" [x] Calendar, News, Mail, Contacts Settings -> Configure Kontact -> Mail -> Misc, "Groupware" tab [x] Enable IMAP resource functionality [ ] Hide groupware folders ---- [x] Mangle From:/To: headers... # Outlook mangle [x] Send invitations in mail body # Outlook mangle Settings -> Configure Kontact -> Mail -> Identities Click "Add" button. Everything should be clear Settings -> Configure Kontact -> Mail -> Accounts "Receiving" Tab "Add" button and select - [x] Disconnected IMAP In the "Add Account" dialog Account Name: MyCompany Login: yourname Password: yourpasswd Host: exchange.mycompany.com Port: 143 Namespaces: (click on the 2 arrow icon) [x] Store IMAP Password [ ] Show... [ ] Show... [x] Include in manual mail check [ ] Enable.... .... click "OK" "Security" Tab - use defaults "Filtering" Tab - use defaults "Sending" Tab Default Domain: exchange.com "Add" button and select - [x] SMTP In the "Add Transport" dialog Name: MyCompany Host: exchange.mycompany.com Port: 25 # Leave everything else as default click "OK" Settings -> Configure Kontact -> Mail -> Security "Reading" Tab [x] Prefer HTML to plain text # security vs convenience [x] Allow messages to load .. # ditto # Leave everything else as default Click "OK" Settings -> Configure Kontact -> Mail -> Calender -> Group Scheduling [x] Use Groupware communication Mail Client - [x] Kmail In the Mail module (select on the upper RH side of the window), File -> Check Mail # will update IMAP; will take some time Settings -> Configure Kontact -> Mail -> Accounts "Receiving" Tab Select MyCompany account and click "Modify" button Trash Folder: MyCompany/Deleted Items In the Contacts module (select on the upper RH side of the window) Near the bottom RH corner of the window Click on "Add" button and then select "LDAP" In resulting form: Host: ldap.mycompany.com # Click on "Query Server" button to get server details Authentication: [x] Simple Name: MyCompany [x] ReadOnly User: CORP\yourlogin ... Password: yourpasswd ... [x] Sub-tree query And Click "OK"; You should now see LDAP entries to search through Settings -> Configure Kontact -> Mail -> Misc, "Groupware" tab ... Resources folders are subfolders of: MyCompany ... In the Calendar module (select on the upper RH side of the window) Near the middle RH side, select the "Default KOrganizer resource" and then click the "Remove" button Click on "Add" and select "Calendar on IMAP Server via KMail" You may wish to select [x] Read-only to prevent mucking up the calendar, using only RDP to update it. I find that a hassle, so I have this unchecked. But beware: don't do any group scheduling here.