> > I've been meaning to ask about this - why is it that kpilot doesn't just > > monitor the USB connections and see when a palm pilot device is attached > > to it? The Linux (and probably other OSes) way with the user choosing the > > USB port is IMHO completely broken. It gets even worse when you have > > several machines, and use different USB devices for them. > > Yes, it's stupid. And the solution has existed for years already: USB > hotplug support. On my system at home, I have KPilot configured to use > /dev/pilot. It just sits around and waits for /dev/pilot to come into > being. My USB hotplug agent detects that a Pilot is attached, and then > does ln -s /dev/the-real-device /dev/pilot, and voila! How does one go about configuring this agent? I've had to manually monitor /var/log/messages to see which port my Palm gets connected to, since it seems to be either ttyUSB3 or ttyUSB1. > > Hm, this info isn't in the FAQ. I know I've posted my usbd.conf to the > list in the past, and I've repeatedly solicited writeups from people > condemned to use Linux on how to make the hotplug thingy work there, > without getting a definitive response. Could you post it again? > > Filing a wish - I see you already have - isn't going to get you anywhere, > I'll probably close it with "install a sensible OS". KPilot shouldn't have > to monitor every possible USB device entry. That's a suggestion but may not always be practical. What would be a sensible OS to use? Regards, Wee-Jin _______________________________________________ kde-pim mailing list kde-pim@mail.kde.org https://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde-pim kde-pim home page at http://pim.kde.org/