Hi Umesh, Thanks for your report. About time zone trouble with KOrganizer and the Exchange plugin: > It does sync > appointments however time on appointment differ by 5 hours from what I > expect it to be. For example 1:00 pm on outlook will be 6:00pm on > KOrganizer. I am in EST which is +5:00 so I am assuming that it has > something to do with TimeZone however I do not know how to fix it. I've heard this before and I'm not quite sure what's going on. Could you please let met know the following three things: - The KDE time zone: Look inn the KDE Control Centre/System Administration/Date&Time - The time zone that KOrganizer is set to (look in Settings/Configure KOrganizer/ Time&Date/Timezone) - The time zone of the Exchange server. This is NOT THE SAME as the time zone you set in Outlook. You can find out the time zone as follows: - Start Konqueror - Browse to your calendar in Outlook Web Access on your Exchange server - Right-click on any appointment and choose "Copy link location" - Start a Konsole (or XTerm) - Run the following command: $ wget --header='translate: f' -O appointment.txt \ --http-user="" --http-passwd="" \ where you fill in your Exchange account name for , your password for and paste in the appointment url for - Look at the resulting appointment.txt. Send me the lines between BEGIN:VTIMEZONE and END:VTIMEZONE, as well as the lines starting with DTSTART and DTEND. Ideally, these time zones (at least the last two) should all be the same. But things should still work if they're not, because the Exchange plugin should translate appointments between time zones. Please send me these three time zones so that I can help you. Cheers Jan-Pascal _______________________________________________ kde-pim mailing list kde-pim@mail.kde.org http://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde-pim kde-pim home page at http://pim.kde.org/