Hi everyone, We have a few pieces of news that I'd like to announce to all of you. 1. Trolltech is launching a developer contest for the Zaurus, starting tomorrow. The URL is http://contest.trolltech.com, or you can check the press release: http://www.trolltech.com/company/announce.html?Action=Show&AID=83. Prizes include $10,000 cash, big screen tv, stereo, laptops and many Zauruses. Contest entrants can submit open-source, shareware, or commercial applications--so long as they're written with Qt. 2. To go along with this contest, we're going to be giving away a free preview SDK. Both contest entrants and owners of the SL-5000D will receive the free preview SDK. The SDK will make it extemely easy to develop for the Zaurus and allow you to choose which license you wish to release your source code under. When you enter the contest, we'll send you some info on downloading this SDK. If you already own a device, we'll contact you from Sharp's mailing list. 3. We've finally found a name for our Qt palmtop environment. We chose "Qtopia", for it's relationship with Qt. Hope you like it. 4. KDevelop, the open-source IDE from the KDE project, now supports cross-compiling and creating Qtopia applications. The new version of KDevelop is in the KDE CVS. The development environment is built on top of Qt embedded. Writing applications for Qt Embedded and Qtopia is very easy, especially with our Qt Virtual Frame Buffer. If you have experience writing Qt applications with kde, then writing applications for the device requires very little new knowledge. Please see http://qpe.sourceforge.net for development information. Take care, Aron & Greg -- ======================== Aron Kozak Product Marketing Manager Trolltech, Inc. aron@trolltech.com ======================== Greg Stern Qtopia Product Manager Trolltech, Inc. greg@trolltech.com _______________________________________________ kde-pim mailing list kde-pim@mail.kde.org http://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde-pim