On Monday 15 October 2001 05:25 am, you wrote: > I forwarded the problem with http://bugs.kde.org/db/pa/lkpilot/ to kde.org. OK, great. > I was able to do the restore very simply with pilot-xfer. Thank you very > much!! You're welcome. > Yes, I can code. FWIW, I think that being able to dump any data to text > files that can be processed with many different very common tools (i.e. > grep, emacs, sed, or any scripting or programming language) is good. Raw Well, how about this? [Note: I am herewith dragging you (kicking and screaming if need be) into the KPilot development effort.] In kdepim/kpilot/kpilot/memoWidget.cc there's a function slotExportMemo. Right now it just exports the currently selected memo to a text file. Let's expand on that (details below). > text is good. XML is good. I don't know how KNotes stores its data, but > in general, sooner or later I get very frustrated with binary files that Text. Plain text. Plus some config stuff in a standard KConfig file. > Thanks again for your help. So you owe me one :) This week's homework assignment is: Part I. Make a widget (using Qt designer) for exporting memos. It should have at least: (1) The possibility to choose "all" or "currently selected" memos to export (2) The possibility to set the filename, using a Browse button at the very least (3) Chosing XML or plain text for export. (That's 4 readio buttons, 3 labels, a groupbox or two and a pushbutton and a QLineEdit in total, I think.) Base your widget on a Qt Widget -- *NOT* a dialog. Then it fits into KPilot better. Part II. (Optional) Add a "Always save only selected memo" option to the KPilot configuration dialog (kdepim/kpilot/kpilot/kpilotConfigDialog_base..ui) and make sure it gets saved to the config file (KPilotConfigDialog::commitChanges and also some work on ..../kpilotConfig.{h,cc}) Part III. Write a function saveAsXML(const QString &fileName,const char *memoData) that writes said memo text to a file with the given name. Due date is nov. 5th, 2001 (I'll add it to the feature list for KDE 3 soon) by email to me. If you, Aron, don't pick it up perhaps Stephan will consider it a "welcome to KPilot development" assignment, before he goes on to the EyeModule conduit. David, I'm expecting newbie questions from you, and you're ominously silent. [Note: real development doesn't work this way. We all try to scratch an itch. Consider this me suggesting that this is a nice problem to tackle that won't be affected by architectural changes in KPilot. If you feel like fixing something else, by all means do so.] _______________________________________________ kde-pim mailing list kde-pim@mail.kde.org http://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde-pim