Hello. I'm use perl5.6.0, PerlQt 3.008, qt3.1.1, kde 3.1.2 I'm testing simple example : ---------------------------------------------------------------- #!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; package Table; use Qt; use Qt::isa qw(Qt::Table); sub NEW { shift->SUPER::NEW(@_[0..2]); } package main; use Qt; use Table; my $a = Qt::Application(\@ARGV); my $w = Table(100, 250, undef); $a->setMainWidget($w); $w->show; exit $a->exec; ---------------------------------------------------------------- Simple movement of the cursor under the table or moving of the window of the program eats memory of the system. Why? Sorry for my English. -- Best regards, Alexey _______________________________________________ Kde-perl mailing list Kde-perl@kde.org https://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde-perl