Am 2018-06-02 10:59, schrieb Roman Gilg: > Hi Martin, > > first of all thank you! KWin is an amazing piece of software and we > owe this to a huge part to you. > > Regarding your decision to step down as maintainer I hope you > reconsider though. No, that decision is final. It's not that I decided yesterday, but it's something I have been thinking about more and more often over the last year. Especially over the last months I got more and more frustrated and not motivated when going through reviews. In too many reviews I said no. I don't want to be the one guy who is against everything. In such a situation it's better to step down as maintainer and enjoy coding. > While it's true that you are currently not as > active as in the past, we still very much need your knowledge and > expertise on everything KWin/KWayland and X/Wayland related. This > holds definitely for bigger changes to KWin or KWayland like my > current output class restructuring in KWin or how there are at the > moment numerous new interfaces in the process of being added to > KWayland by different people. I'm still around. Just ping me or add me to the review. I'll try to get phabricator notifications working for me by removing myself from the groups. > > When I saw there was a problem with stacking up reviews in the last > few weeks my secret plan was to still have you as maintainer of KWin > for the foreseeable future because of your immense knowledge about the > project, but at some point have David and/or me added as co-maintainer > to help with the legwork. Would this be an option for you? As said the decision to not be maintainer any more is final. I'll be around to help and give advice, also to code, but not to maintain. Cheers Martin