As you may know, we had the lead dev of the new Qt input stack at the sprint, with one goal to show all the really unusual things we do with input and trying to make sure the new stack can handle them.

The new stack really isn't there for mouse input as-is; and won't be in 5.11 either. My gut feeling from the current state is that it might be up to us to make sure mouse (as opposed to just touch) is as complete.

Overall I like a lot. I ported some parts of plasma-desktop to the new API. (branch qtlabs_handler). Some parts (including complex drag and drop) went surprisingly smoothly. Eike also ported some of folderview and can post details on that

We've got a few design changes in (taphandler hit areas being bigger than parents, drag starts after time delay) either requested or in review already. Overall I think we're now a bit closer to being involved in the dev process which is a good thing. A few hours of dev now could prevent days of complex workarounds in the future.
