> If there aren't furtherobjection, I would shortly (next week?) change the 2 > most visible logos: the start-here-kde icon in plasma theme for Instead, I'd advise creating start-here-plasma - both the icon and the plasma theme icon - and making it the default*. The main reason being - user wanting to switch the icon back to kde gear - she selects it in the dialogue (where it *is* a gear-K) and gets a completely different icon. Cheers, Ivan * I still am not fond of the idea to replace KDE logo in the launcher for the Plasma logo, but I'm not going to stop the progress :) -- KDE, ivan.cukic@kde.org, http://cukic.co/ gpg key fingerprint: 292F 9B5C 5A1B 2A2F 9CF3 45DF C9C5 77AF 0A37 240A