On Mon, Jun 30, 2014 at 10:37 AM, Thomas Pfeiffer <colomar@autistici.org> wrote:
No, it's a separate KCM. The current idea is to name the Baloo KCM "Search Backend" and the KRunner KCM "Plasma Search".

That is good news, thanks for clarifying that!

 On Mon, Jun 30, 2014 at 10:37 AM, Thomas Pfeiffer <colomar@autistici.org> wrote:
We are aware that runners like calculator, unit converter or command line don't really fit the name "Plasma Search".
Maybe "Plasma Search and Run"?

On Mon, Jun 30, 2014 at 11:12 AM, Vishesh Handa <me@vhanda.in> wrote:
Yes. You're quite right.

Can you think of some better names? Possible options that come into my mind.
1. Search and Run
2. Search and Launch
3. Search

I add (3) because yes "unit conversion" and "calculator" isn't related to search, but many search backends seems to offer these kind of functionality as well. Eg - Google, Spotlight. Regarding, controlling music, one could still club that under searching as you are "searching for an action". We use the word "search" over here as an active role the user has to play, in contrast to a more passive form of "Browsing".

Finding a good name is hard.
"Plasma Search and Run" is more descriptive and addresses my concern about connecting KRunner too tightly with "Search" (and thus Baloo).
On the other hand, it doesn't really sound like a name that people would use to refer to KRunner, but I could be wrong about that.

I was also thinking about "Plasma Launcher" since these kind of applications usually are called launchers (see e.g. Launchy, Quicksilver, etc.),
but I think Kickoff already uses the term "Application launcher", so another "launcher" would be confusing.
What I really want is a word that tells you that you can do stuff with it.
Something like "Plasma Actions", but using a less technical word than actions.

If we can't find a better name, I would prefer "Plasma Search and Run" to just "Plasma Search".

As Thomas mentioned, the Baloo search is being renamed to "Search Backend", though I am considering naming it to "File Search Backend" since that is all it does.

"File Search Backend" sounds like an improvement to me (or maybe "File Search Engine"? Backend sounds more technical to me).

The KCM is now in master.
- Short description of what it does (probably not possible now due to string freeze?).

Yes. I had been thinking along the same lines.
- Ability to configure the shortcut to activate it.

I'm on it.

That's great! Thanks for your hard work Vishesh, it's very much appreciated.

- List of plugins to enable/disable.

I'm confused. Isn't that exactly what the screenshot provides?

Ah yes, just included it to have a complete list of widgets in the KCM. I have no problems with the list in the screenshot.
