> Canvas based: I have no experience with that but I guess performance is should > be better than with QPaintedItem, since it directly renders to a GPU > framebuffer and painting can be done in an separate thread. As far as i know both (canvas and qpainter) are software rendered. However, canvas apparently has some option to set the render target "Canvas.FramebufferObject" (the default btw) which makes the GPU do something the CPU would otherwise do. But it's by far GPU rendered otherwise you would be able to do fluid animations with it. Which you can't. My guess - and i haven't looked in the canvas code - is that canvas is using QPainter internally to render everything smooth and sharp and then moves the resulting image as a texture to the GPU. Or something along those lines. For a real hardware accelerates canvas you should open up Chrome and go to this link: http://fhtr.org/gravityring/sprites.html I doubt that would be possible with the same performance in the QML canvas ;) _______________________________________________ Plasma-devel mailing list Plasma-devel@kde.org https://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/plasma-devel