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plasmate/CMakeLists.txt (Diff revision 1)
#                      ${KDE4_KDEUI_LIBS}
    # ${KDE4_KDEUI_LIBS}
No point committing commented code.

plasmate/publisher/remoteinstaller/remoteinstaller.cpp (Diff revision 1)
        KIO::NetAccess::mkdir(tmpUrl, m_widget, ok);
This seems wrong.

from kde4support/src/kio/netaccess.h
    static KDE4SUPPORT_DEPRECATED_EXPORT bool mkdir( const QUrl & url, QWidget* window, int permissions = -1 );

so you're casting book ok which is uninitialised to permissions - and then using that as the result.

Maybe you can explain why you had to change it?

plasmate/publisher/remoteinstaller/remoteinstallerdialog.cpp (Diff revision 1)
    QVBoxLayout l;
You can't make a layout on the stack.

The lifetime of the layout needs to be as long as the RemoteInstallerDialog. This will be deleted as soon as we exit the constructor.

- David Edmundson

On December 20th, 2013, 4:02 p.m. UTC, Antonis Tsiapaliokas wrote:

Review request for Plasma and Giorgos Tsiapaliokas.
By Antonis Tsiapaliokas.

Updated Dec. 20, 2013, 4:02 p.m.

Repository: plasmate



This patch ports the remoteinstaller to Qt5/KF5.


I wasn't able to test if it works. Because remoteinstaller is using the KUrlRequester,
which it segfaults... I have open a thread on the frameworks ML.


  • plasmate/CMakeLists.txt (55e7453)
  • plasmate/publisher/remoteinstaller/remoteinstaller.cpp (5f4de97)
  • plasmate/publisher/remoteinstaller/remoteinstallerdialog.cpp (3b41b33)

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