
Currently I am working with KDE Community on my Google Summer of Code 2013 project on Improvements and Enhancements of Plasma Media Center Application.

I was working on a task of subtitle enhancement in the Plasma Video Player, where I was using QML's Video Element Property:: metaData.videoFrameRatehttp://doc-snapshot.qt-project.org/qt-mobility/qml-video.html#metaData.videoFrameRate-prop) in my concerned qml code. Since this property was not returning anything desired ( though there was nothing wrong in bindings also) , after the discussions with my mentors , I decided to make a small qml Video Player to make sure that QML Video Element Properties work fine.

So, I made a small qml video player , and wished to ascertain videoFrameRate property of QML VideoElement . This is the concerned patch:: http://pastebin.kde.org/p99b18cd5/    Video plays fine(it starts on clicking the player) , but unfortunately videoFrameRate property shows the output as "undefined" repeatedly . For the matter of fact other properties of video element also shows console output as undefined.

Following is the error output for reference :: http://pastebin.kde.org/p282f0967/
It would be great if anybody could suggest something regarding this problem of QML Video Element in my code . Please suggest me a way as to how can I successfully get the frame Rate value from Video Element of QML.

Best Regards, 
Akshay Ratan

GSoC 2013 Student, KDE