On Fri, Jun 21, 2013 at 7:01 PM, Ivan Čukić <ivan.cukic@kde.org> wrote:
Hi all,

Hi Ivan,
I (think) I'm now properly detecting regular mice, touch-pads and touch-
screens, based on some X properties of those.

It would be very nice if people with touch-screens and touch-pads would do the
following test - run xinput on your device (if not installed, you can ssh -X
to a machine that has xinput)

Take the id of the touch* device, and do this (replace 4 with an actual id)
xinput list-props 4

Post the output to pastebin and send me the output (if I pong you back on IRC,
you send me the link there)

This is from my HP Pavillion dv7 touch pad