
I, Saurabh Jain, had submitted the proposal to work upon the project - Improvements and Enhancements for plasma-mediacenter in google summer of code'13 program but it was rejected. I could not figure out the reason why it was rejected since I had really put in a lot of hard work in order to work on this project and in the process, I did successfully submit quite a few patches which were referred to me as the difficult ones to start with as a beginner. There were also quite a lot of other ideas/solutions which I did not mention in my proposal but discussed thoroughly with mentors - Shantanu and Sinny.  Also, I mentioned a link in my proposal which directs you to the image in which I have created the mock up for this project. I hope everyone went through it.
I am very disappointed at my rejection and I kindly request all the mentors to state the reason for the same so that I can come to know where was my proposal lagging behind? Did I miss something to write in it?
I would be highly obliged if you can share your views about my proposal so that I can learn something new out of it and bring improvements to my proposals for any future projects.

Saurabh Jain