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On May 31st, 2012, 1:08 p.m., Dennis Nienhüser wrote:

Polarity determines whether north is visible top or bottom, so I don't know why the original code was there.

I think you can even strip it down further to a simple 
qreal const direction = polarity < 0 ? -1 : 1;

i.e. ignore the projection -- in non-spherical case polarity is 1.

Note that your patch also fixes bug 216156. You could use zoomIn()/zoomOut() though instead of the hard-coded +/- 40.
Thanks for clarification. I could not find zoomIn/Out in MarbleMap. Unfortunately this plasma wallpaper doesn't use MarbleWidget.

- Greg

On May 31st, 2012, 12:52 p.m., Greg T wrote:

Review request for Marble and Plasma.
By Greg T.

Updated May 31, 2012, 12:52 p.m.


I had to delete a bunch of code to fix the issue. But what was the purpose of this code? Am I missing some cornercase?


bug fixed.
Bugs: 264755


  • wallpapers/marble/marble.cpp (988a8b6)

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