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This review has been submitted with commit 141734215130c06073fc831c288f2ad6e3871645 by Ignat Semenov to branch master.

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On March 26th, 2012, 12:22 p.m., Ignat Semenov wrote:

Review request for Plasma, Aaron J. Seigo and Fredrik Höglund.
By Ignat Semenov.

Updated March 26, 2012, 12:22 p.m.


This patch disables action icons if they cover the actual icon. Thus, tthe buttons being enabled depends on the grid size, the icon size and the svg margin size.

I've tried a lot of different approaches in order to write the shortest and most transparent code, hope the current one is fine from this perspective. Please pay attention to design and incapsulation issues, I'm not a good designer at all.


Tested, works.

I still wonder, however, why we can't have a checkbox to disable the dreaded "+" button.. although the patch submitted in thei review request should go in regardless of such a checkbox being added because at some icon sizes, the action icons are a plain annoyance, indeed.
Bugs: 268641


  • plasma/applets/folderview/actionoverlay.h (e7c1982)
  • plasma/applets/folderview/actionoverlay.cpp (4dd1975)
  • plasma/applets/folderview/iconview.h (c76b4f4)
  • plasma/applets/folderview/iconview.cpp (56f1eb8)

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