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Review request for Plasma, Aaron J. Seigo and Marco Martin.
By Luc Menut.


When I try in the plasma desktop console the algorithm that calculate the biggestId in systray-to-notifications-widget.js, it gives me a wrong result for biggestId and biggestId+1.
The real biggestId in my plasma-desktop-appletsrc is 82 ([Containments][76][Applets][82]).
The current algorithm gives me:
print(biggestId)          -> 5
print(biggestId+1)        -> 51
print(typeof(biggestId))  -> string

because in
for (var j in activity.widgetIds) {
  if (j > biggestId) {
    biggestId = j
j is the key (string key) of the array activity.widgetIds.

The suggested patch gives the good result.

Luc Menut - Mageia

PS: I don't have write access to kde git, so could you commit the change for me if the patch looks fine. Thanks.


tested with KDE 4.8.0 (Mageia Cauldron)


  • plasma/desktop/shell/configupdates/systray-to-notifications-widget.js (7a31de6)

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