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Sorry didn't see the review request and did almost the same one ;)

only difference is that i did put the check on the outer if, makes it behave slightly different but i don't hink it matters since when there is no scene is broken anyways (this as far i seen it does indeed happen during destruction)

- Marco

On November 26th, 2011, 11:12 p.m., Xuetian Weng wrote:

Review request for KDE Runtime and Plasma.
By Xuetian Weng.

Updated Nov. 26, 2011, 11:12 p.m.


Though marked as Fixed, 285731 still exists on kde-runtime master.
There is another scene variable need to be tested.


No more crash
Bugs: 285731


  • plasma/declarativeimports/core/tooltip.cpp (4eaa5b8)

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