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This review has been submitted with commit a3009dd96e8519bcc205d75c29e18bbbb81fce03 by Rafael Fernández López.

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On April 28th, 2011, 7:16 a.m., Rafael Fernández López wrote:

Review request for Plasma and Petri Damstén.
By Rafael Fernández López.

Updated April 28, 2011, 7:16 a.m.


This patch fixes compilation when GPSD_API_MAJOR_VERSION >= 5. The API has changed and some calls are not compatible with the previous versions. GPSD version here: 2.96.


I wasn't able to compile the geolocation dataengine, while applying this patch I can. I have only tested with my GPSD version (2.96), haven't tested with previous versions, however it should work, since for previous versions the calls made are exactly the same as before this patch. Not even unused arguments are created.


  • plasma/generic/dataengines/geolocation/location_gps.h (506d1d1)
  • plasma/generic/dataengines/geolocation/location_gps.cpp (c44cb30)

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