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Review request for Plasma and Davide Bettio.
By Tadeusz Andrzej Kadlubowski.


Currently the timer plasmoid uses prerendered fonts packaged as a SVG theme. This ignores user preferences related to fonts, and looks out of place, when this plasmoid is used just next to a digital clock plasmoid.

The goal of this patch is to make this plasmoid look the same as the timer plasmoid. Uniformity is a nice polish.

This is a work in progress. TODOs:
- Font sizing is not ready;
- The SVG theme is to be thrown away;
- Font choice in the configuration dialog.


Compiles cleanly. Works well on KDE 4.5.4.

Setting timer with scroll wheel still works.
Changing color to red still works.
Notifications still work.


  • /trunk/KDE/kdeplasma-addons/applets/timer/timer.h (1217778)
  • /trunk/KDE/kdeplasma-addons/applets/timer/timer.cpp (1217778)
  • /trunk/KDE/kdeplasma-addons/applets/timer/timerdigit.h (1217778)
  • /trunk/KDE/kdeplasma-addons/applets/timer/timerdigit.cpp (1217778)

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