On Mon, Jun 28, 2010 at 1:11 PM, Alessandro Diaferia <alediaferia@gmail.com> wrote:

2010/6/28 Hayri Bakici <thehayro@gmail.com>

Hey guys!

Here is a quick update about the Plasma Media Center backends in writing a dataengine in JS.

The DateEngine really runs (thanks to aaron :) )
For now, it can make a flickr.photo.search requests get the response and parse the xml, and display it on the dataEngine.
I had to paste the xml to script lib into my dataengine, due to "include" problems. I know that a JS plasmoid has a command


however it doesn't work with my dataengine (although i used engine.include('libsomething.js'); )
If you are wondering why the dataengine data, such as "published date" or "keywords" is empty, then it is because of flickr: there should be a specific getPhotoInfo request when you want to get the information.

the next thing is to write the "fetch addons" function (waiting for aaron ;) ) in this DataEngine and extract my request-response-parseXml code into an Addon.
btw. i remember that the addon should have some kind of a main function? how should the addon give its information to the DateEngine?


Another thing I was wondering about the MediaData API: since we merged the "video" and "photo" API together, there are still attributes that are disjunct. should i just drop them for now?
Which one of them?  We can eventually use an associative array though.

it was duration, and embeddedHTML for Video. for Photo there is albumID, but i think we can firstly ignore that.

the code can be found here:



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I'm really happy with the progresses you reached so far! Keep rocking :)

Alessandro Diaferia
KDE Developer
KDE e.V. member

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