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Ship it!

i quite like the improved look, there is one change that needs to be made noted below, but then it can go in.

/trunk/KDE/kdebase/workspace/plasma/generic/applets/analog-clock/clock.cpp (Diff revision 1)
void Clock::paintInterface(QPainter *p, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *option, const QRect &rect)
    return QRect((rect.width() - width) / 2, rect.bottom() - height, width, height);
in the case of a small analog clock with a long city name, this will result in returning a rect that is wider than the widget.

so width needs to be bounded to rect.width(). 

- Aaron

On June 21st, 2010, 5:16 a.m., Alain Boyer wrote:

Review request for Plasma.
By Alain Boyer.

Updated 2010-06-21 05:16:47


This patch adjusts the timezone label of the analog clock to the width of the city text. Although this is a cosmetic change that is very subjective, I find that the overall look, when multiple clocks are horizontally aligned next to each other, is nicer and more polished.

This is a very minor change, but since I have been away from KDE hacking for a while and we are so close to the next release, I figured I'd put it up for review.


Works just fine in plasmoidviewer.


  • /trunk/KDE/kdebase/workspace/plasma/generic/applets/analog-clock/clock.h (1140389)
  • /trunk/KDE/kdebase/workspace/plasma/generic/applets/analog-clock/clock.cpp (1140389)

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