On Sat, Jun 5, 2010 at 4:11 PM, Markus <kamikazow@web.de> wrote:
On Saturday 05 June 2010 21:53:37 Christopher Blauvelt wrote:

> Wow, that sounds almost religious.

So instead of answering my question, you insult me?

I wouldn't call that an insult.  Either way we've hijacked this thread by going off on a tangent.

To answer your question.  If we want to get VDPAU (VA-API) support in a QGV I'm sure Qt will have to get involved somehow.  Whether they do or don't doesn't really matter because it's not coming out until Qt 4.8, we need a solution in the interim, and that solution likely won't support GPU assisted decoding which precludes the use of an Atom processor for decoding 1080p video.
