SVN commit 1132039 by adiaferia: This commit fixes lots of memleak and improves performance while playing pictures slideshow - details follow * make use of a shared helper class that keeps track of shared widgets and deletes them on quit - this solves huge memleaks on exit start API cleanup little docs improvements * rewrite internals of picture viewer - prefer QPixmap on the stack and use lots of caching - this solves huge slowdowns in animations while showing big pictures fullscreen M +5 -0 applets/mediabrowser/abstractmediaitemview.cpp M +1 -3 applets/mediabrowser/gridview.cpp M +0 -1 applets/mediabrowser/listview.cpp M +16 -7 applets/mediabrowser/viewitem.cpp M +1 -0 applets/mediabrowser/viewitem.h M +2 -2 applets/mediacontroller/controller.cpp M +4 -2 applets/mediacontroller/controller.h M +2 -2 applets/mediainfobar/mediainfobar.cpp M +5 -2 applets/mediainfobar/mediainfobar.h M +2 -0 applets/mediaplayer/mediaplayer.cpp M +59 -23 applets/mediaplayer/pictureviewer.cpp M +14 -3 applets/mediaplayer/pictureviewer.h M +8 -7 containments/mediacontainment/mediacontainment.cpp M +1 -0 libs/mediacenter/CMakeLists.txt M +10 -8 libs/mediacenter/homestate.cpp M +11 -4 libs/mediacenter/infodisplay.h M +5 -5 libs/mediacenter/mediacenter.h M +31 -47 libs/mediacenter/mediacenterstate.cpp M +3 -11 libs/mediacenter/mediacenterstate.h M +7 -5 libs/mediacenter/musicstate.cpp M +13 -11 libs/mediacenter/picturestate.cpp M +15 -4 libs/mediacenter/playbackcontrol.h M +8 -6 libs/mediacenter/videostate.cpp _______________________________________________ Plasma-devel mailing list