On Thu, Apr 22, 2010 at 12:15 PM, Markus <kamikazow@web.de> wrote:
Am Donnerstag 22 April 2010 17:08:24 schrieb todd rme:
> I think kaffeine does as well.

Recording as well? LibVLC should provide all needed features and since VLC is
going to be Phonon's preferred back-end (at least
sounds like that), it should be installed with KDE SC anyway...
Plasma-devel mailing list

Recording the incoming signal is not the difficult part.  The difficult part is the management.  Scheduling recordings, storing recordings, deconflicting recordings given a variable number of tv tuners, receiving and processing accuarate show scheduling information.  These are non-trivial items which took the MythTV folks a while to get right.  If we're going to go down this route, I think it would make more sense to connect to the MythTV backend (whether remote or on the local machine) and manage recordings that way, but all in due time.