On Wed, Sep 30, 2009 at 3:45 PM, Rob Scheepmaker <r.scheepmaker@student.utwente.nl> wrote:
Cool, I'll append some more information to the remote widgets design doc when
I've got the time.
Great, thanks.

> Also, publishing
> > a Plasma::Service using a different technology (like as a SOAP service)
> > would
> > be tricky since the access/control and message singing would make this
> > SOAP service quite complicated to use
> Well, a lot of SOAP services in the industry there have very complicated
> specifications on how to access them. I don't think anybody would kick us
> for some security parameters that need to be added to messages. :-)

Ok, it'll require me to change the implementation to no longer stream
Credentials to a bytearray, but append the different fields as child nodes in
the message to be somewhat usable, but that's a relatively minor change. And I
suppose we could always write some libs for php/ruby/whatnot to make accessing
these plasma soap services easier.
Definitely. Moreover, they already have some very nice APIs for accessing Web Services so if we make a little document with the specs it would already be pretty easy I think.
> For the future tools, we would just need a WSDL2Jolie converter, since we
> already have Jolie2Plasma (which converts a Jolie interface to a kconfigxml
> service descriptor).

That would be lovely... such a converter could make a lot of common cases
extremely easy to use. Think of something like:

Plasma::Service *service =

and then just being able to use service just like any Plasma::Service.
Yes we should aim to something like that. A first step would be at least to have a semi-automatic tool that takes the WSDL as input and outputs a Jolie script that can then be used with loadEmbeddedJolieService and let it handle the dirty work.

> What I'd like to get working first is to, at least, be able to implement
> local (yes, local) services in Jolie. By doing so I would already gain a
>  lot of power, for example a plasmoid could load this Jolie service using
>  loadEmbeddedJolieService in MetaService and I could use this Jolie service
>  to orchestrate whatever distributed application in a network, hiding the
>  complexity from Plasma.
> Orchestrating a distributed application could be something complicated
> (multiparty p2p session) or simply accessing your GoogleMail. ;)

Cool stuff :p

Thanks for your feedback. You've given me some useful stuff to make the
implementation more flexible. I'll be improving the implementation, and will
keep you informed of the progress.

Ok, thanks a lot. :-)
