---------- Messaggio inoltrato ----------
From: "Aaron J. Seigo" <aseigo@kde.org>
To: plasma-devel@kde.org
Date: Mon, 27 Jul 2009 13:43:12 -0600
Subject: Re: Plasmate Status
On Monday 27 July 2009, Diego Casella ([Po]lentino) wrote:
> Note that up to now you have to manually setup the working directory by
> modifying line 165 in mainwindow.cpp, because
> that global variable isn't set yet

what's wrong with m_model->package()?

> ( actually the projects directories are
> saved in $HOME/.kde4/share/apps/plasmate which is not
> a good choice imo, if we want to focus on beginner developers... what about
> a $HOME/PlasMate_Projects folder instead? )

the point is that they should never have to worry about where the files are.
it's an implementation detail. and polluting the home dir with working data
sets is not great form.

Ok, thanks for explanation :)

> By the way, I need a DataEngine example written in JavaScript, I searched
> in TechBase, kde-look.org and in various svn
> modules without result.

i added the first support for those 2 weeks ago, so it's not a mystery why you
didn't find anything on it ;) i (or someone) still needs to do some bindings
for Service as well so such dataengines can reimplement serviceForSource

Good, I'll check weekly for updates.

> As regards runners, I looked for examples in TechBase and in
> kdebase/workspace/plasma/runners, kdeplasma-addons/runners,
> kdereview/plasma/runners but I only found c++ sources... So probably
> scripting support for runners is not ready now, and I hid
> the corresponding button.

please don't hide buttons because they don't work. that's what you do for
final release only if you don't manage to get them working in the meantime,
but hiding them during development is an awesome way to ensure they never get
implemented. this is the out of sight, out of mind principle.

Ok, I'll reset to the previous status.

and yes, it's possible to write runners with ecma script. as soon as it's
possible to write something useful with plasmate, i'll do up some examples
using it. ;)

> who decided that plasmate should use tabs for indentation and random
> whitespacing in various places, e.g. inside of ()s? or rather, since it's
> the more important question: why?

ok, i found the offending commits. with otherwise small changes the committer
also reformatted the entire file's ws. that is unacceptable. i will be
changing the formatting back to the kdelibs style later today.

Sorry for the huge mistake, it wasn't my intent to make you waste your time =(
I'll be more careful when committing.

if you have uncommitted changes, you can expect conflicts, so you should
commit soon.

going forward, if i see a commit that reformats the ws to something other than
the kdelibs style, i will alert the author and revert the offending commit.
the author can re-do the work.

Aaron J. Seigo
humru othro a kohnu se
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