
I've been trying to write my first Plasmoid in python, and I've been stuck on using the DataEngines [1].  I'm working off of the microblog applet [2] to try and understand how to interact with that engine.  My problem comes when I try to get a service from my engine.  I'm getting an error: AttributeError: 'DataEngine' object has no attribute 'serviceForSource' even though the api says it should be there [3]

Here is the chunk that is erroring out on me:

  self.engine = self.dataEngine("microblog")
  if not self.engine.isValid:
    self.setFailedToLaunch(True, "Could not get DataEngine")
  service = self.engine.serviceForSource("Timeline:Jmhobbs@https://twitter.com/")
  cg = service.operationDescription("auth");
  cg.writeEntry("password", "SuperSecret");

I'm running  Python 2.5.4, and KDE - 4.2.4  (Debian sid)

My questions are,
  1. Is there something fundamentally wrong with my understanding on how to use DataEngines?
  2. Is there just a version mismatch between the bindings (as documented) and my system?
  3. Is there documentation on the microblog engine and how to use it?
  4. Do I have an alternative? I tried QThreads/urllib (crashes unpredictably), and KIO (KUrl seems to ignore setUser() and setPass()) already to no avail.
Thanks so much in advance for your assistance.  I'm looking forward to creating more community content once I iron this stuff out :-)
[1] - http://techbase.kde.org/Development/Tutorials/Plasma/Python/Using_DataEngines
[2] - http://websvn.kde.org/trunk/KDE/kdeplasma-addons/applets/microblog/microblog.cpp?view=markup
[3] - http://api.kde.org/pykde-4.2-api/plasma/Plasma.DataEngine.html#obj3065602732

- John Hobbs

