On Montag 25 Mai 2009, you wrote:
> On Monday 25 May 2009, Björn Ruberg wrote:
> > >> First issue:
> > >> Plasmaboard uses the class PopupApplet. When clicking on the icon, the
> > >> keyboard appears. This keyboard must stay unfocused! So I used the
> > >> method setPassivePopup(true). That worked great. But when I upgraded
> > >> my working machine from Fedora 10 to Fedora 11 Preview it stopped
> > >> working. Since then the opening keyboard steals focus from the window
> > >> and is useless. This may be a bug invented in qt-4.5 or kde-4.2.2 .
> > >> setPasivePopup is rarely used, so it is possible that no one noticed.
> > >
> > >well, it's more like "it's totally cool for popups to have focus" ...
> > > we'll need some work-around for this for Plasmaboard. either that or
> > > else Plasmaboard will have to provide and manage it's own popup instead
> > > of relying on PopupApplet for this ....
> >
> > Sorry, didn't got that completly.
> > The passive popups worked already. "Suddenly" they are not working.
> mmmmm.. define "not working"; they changed a bit in how they work, but that
> was to fix other issues. passive doesn't mean "can't get focus"

Okay. "not working" means it steals focus from the last window.

> > Please help me at least with issue one. I think it's quite important to
> > have a working virtual keyboard for KDE when 4.3 comes out. Cheap
> i wonder if it would be possible to track the last-focused window and just
> send x events directly to it.

Probably we would find a way within kwin. But it must work with plasma and
other window managers, too. So my way is the bullet proof and always working

> but yes, otherwise .. hm ... i think that the
> keyboard would need to handle it's own popup window and ensure it never
> gets focus. putting that into passive popup as a general case situation
> will screw up other widgets that do need focus; perhaps we can fold it into
> popupapplet for 4.4 if there's a general need for it.

Well, what about a "setVeryPassivePopup"-method?

But before I put the work into investigation how to write my own popup
(probably I just need to subclass and set some window-flag?), the question
remains why setPassivePopup suddenly changed its behaviour - or why its
behaviour is different between Fedora and Ubuntu.