
I found the problem. Nowhere you set the size of MyGraphicsWidget, so the layout can't know about its size, and more you never set the preferredSize so it use the default which is arbitrary small. Take a look on the doc for setPreferredSize, setMinimumSize, setMaximumSize and the overload of sizeHint for custom sizeHints.

Btw :

QSizeF s = parentWidget()->size()

That is not a good approach in the paint event.

2009/2/25 Petri Damstén <petri.damsten@gmail.com>
On Wednesday 25 February 2009 12:05:52 Dong Tiger wrote:
> 2008/12/30 Alexis Ménard <menard@kde.org>
> > Unfortunately you can't it is a bug in Qt.
> >
> > You can take a look to the task tracker of Qt Number 231114 and 211500. I
> > guess it is what you try to solve. The fix is in 4.4 branch (so scheduled
> > for 4.4.4) and in 4.5.
> I still can't get this work even with latest Qt4.5. I've attached code of a
> sample plasmoid which demonstrate the problem. You are welcomed to try it
> out. Right click on the applet to modify its child widget size.
> > As a workaround you have to manage the resize of your applet by hand when
> > the size of the layout change.
> The question is how can I do it? When the embedded QGraphicsWidget need to
> enlarge, say from 200x200 to 400x400, how can I decide what the applet size
> should be?

Does this work?


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