stop drug alexis
stop drug alexis

forget the last mail.

On Wed, Nov 26, 2008 at 4:54 PM, Alexis Ménard <> wrote:
Ok so i keep the reimplentation and i remove the setFocus only, and i call the base class.

2008/11/26 Aaron J. Seigo <>
On Wednesday 26 November 2008, Alexis Ménard wrote:
> Hello,
> Here is a patch that remove the focus stuff in the mousePressEvent of
> Applet class and remove the overload. Why? Because Qt have a focus policy
> that manage that for you. It break the binary compatibilty but it not too
> late no? :D.
> I think it will avoid some future problems regarding focus.
> Review please?

you can do this without breaking BC, obviously. i'd like us to get in the
habit of doing so and in this case it keeps the door open for adding something
to that method if needed later on.

Aaron J. Seigo
humru othro a kohnu se
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