On Sunday 27 July 2008 19:38:46 Aaron J. Seigo wrote:

> i assume it enable only left right and top when the applet is on the

> bottom; it should enable different edges when it is elsewhere on the screen

> right?

Absolutely. Didn't think of this.

> and how does this look when it extends past the end of a panel (e.g.

> when a panel < 100%)

Hmm, you are right it may look screwed in this case. Well, that's design that was in a mockups, I just did it and didn't think of this case.

Obviously this is a flaw that should be addressed.

I'll talk with Nuno or Ricardo about this.

Perhaps I should just enable all edges. Or enable them only if panel is < 100%, not sure...

Thanks for spotting this :)
