The lightbox system seems cool, a toolbar seems less practical to me in this case.

2008/7/5 Anne-Marie Mahfouf <>:
Le Friday 04 July 2008 18:MM:59 Petri Damstén, vous avez écrit :
> On Friday 04 July 2008 19:16:04 Aaron J. Seigo wrote:
> > > - triangles like the Comic widget does
> >
> > the comic applet triangles are not very pretty tbh. i'd recommend
> > something more like gwenview's on-hover toolbar.
> I have used Lightbox in some web pages and it shows Next when hovering on
> right side of the image and prev when hovering on left. Might work here
> too. Try 'Image Set' from:
> Petri

Reading all this I agree that either GwenView little toolbar or Next/Preview
in LightBox are the nicest ways, those being basically the same (GwenView
groups them which is probably better here).

Éric, what do you think?
