Ivan Čukić wrote: > Raiccardo, > when you're done with the application, just add it in the text below. (And add > anything else you seem fit - like the IRC contact) > > Concerning the submitting infrastructure, I have to say that kde-look seems a > bit better solution (at first I didn't think so) because of potential user > feedback that may be considered while judging, and the second is that the non- > winners' themes will be available for installation via GHNS. Since Riccardo would be adding a link to the application and the IRC contact to the techbase tutorial, which itself has a link in the announcement, would there be any objection to Sebastian going ahead and approving the announcement for publication on the dot today? - Andrew _______________________________________________ Panel-devel mailing list Panel-devel@kde.org https://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/panel-devel