On 9/11/05, Aaron J. Seigo <aseigo@kde.org> wrote:
hell if you _really_ wanted to you could make Meter an interface only and
require multiple inheritance ( e.g. MyMeter : public QWidget, public
Plasma:Meter) at which point a sensor could be used with "anything". granted
MI isn't the prettiest thing, but it may be just what the doc ordered here.
my primary concern is scripting languages that don't allow for MI, such as
Ruby. though Ruby could probably use mix ins instead to include the MyMeter
interface. still, i'd be a bit concerned about requiring some sort of
multiple inheritence / implementation scheme and not bother.
I think using signals and slot is a much better design than using MI here. MI will cause a number of problems, particularly for any bindings that pass stuff around in a void *.