Package: noatun Version: KDE 2.2.0 Severity: normal Installed from: RedHat RPMs Compiler: Not Specified OS: Linux OS/Compiler notes: redhat 7.1 As root everything is fine. As non-root, when launching noatun from either the command line or the menu, the background job starts, and clicking on a sound file that is to be opened with noatun works fine. However, the client tries to start for about 30 seconds and then dies. So eventhough music is playing, you can't control it. I don't get any error messages. This was NOT a problem when I first installed KDE. It started happening all of a sudden after running fine or a couple of weeks. I was fooling around with various configuration options, don't remember which, and this may have caused a problem. Here is the noatunrc file: AutoPlay=true ClearOnOpen=false HackUpPlaylist=true LoopList=true LoopStyle=0 Modules=splitplaylist.plugin,marquis.plugin,id3tag.plugin,oggtag.plugin,excellent.plugin,dcopiface.plugin SaveDirectory=/home/mary Version=1.2.0 Volume=100 [Equalizer] enabled=false presets=/usr/share/apps/noatun/eq.preset/,/usr/share/apps/noatun/eq.preset/preset.jazz,/usr/share/apps/noatun/eq.preset/preset.metal,/usr/share/apps/noatun/eq.preset/preset.trance,/usr/share/apps/noatun/eq.preset/ [Excellent main] Hidden=false IconSize=0 IconText=IconOnly Index=0 NewLine=false Offset=-1 Position=Top [ID3 Tags] ID3Format=%t [KDE] MultipleInstances=true [OGG Tags] OggFormat=%t [Young Hickory] icon=0 tip=true [excellent] height=188 mappingState=1 menuShown=false volumeShown=true width=294 [splitplaylist] current=7 file= modified=true (Submitted via _______________________________________________ Kde-multimedia mailing list