On Sun, Aug 19, 2001 at 08:10:12AM -0000, vvucic@eunet.yu wrote: > > I tried to watch VideoCD on my Mandrake 8.0 machine, Voodoo Ruch video card, MIDIMAN DMANPCI card with ALSA working perfectly. Program crahsed whiel trying to open .DAT file from Video CD causing signal 11 SIGSEGV. > noatun does not suport VCD, altough an arts PlayObject for this is present. Then: you cannont play VCD as in windos from a file. You need a special ioctl, this is the reason why VCD must be supported by a special PlayObject. The crash you see is a XV X11 driver bug on Vodoo board != 16 Bit dept. Martin _______________________________________________ Kde-multimedia mailing list Kde-multimedia@mail.kde.org http://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde-multimedia