After being in discussion with the xmms-guys for a while now, I've come to the conclusion that having a KDE-gui for XMMS would be a Good Thing (tm), the only question remaining is if we'll get somebody to code this. It's not a lot of work, we just need to find somebody willing to do it. The work will be released in the official XMMS-package, and the author will get write-access to the XMMS-cvs (kde-gui will be configurable with --enable-kde) So what needs to be done? Well, the file-dialogs, the popup-menus and the config-dialogs needs to be converted from GTK to KDE, that's about it.. Feel free to contact me if you're wondering about helping out.. PS. I'm not a coder myself ;) -- \ Christian A Strømmen / \ Number1/NumeroUno @ Undernet - Email: / \ Web: - Cell: +47 911 43 948 / Live your life by your dreams, not by the limits of reality.. _______________________________________________ Kde-multimedia mailing list