Am Sat, 30 Sep 2000 schrieb Stefan Westerfeld: > > Hi! > > I honestly don't know what the purpose of these lines is: > > _volumeControl =3D Arts::StereoVolumeControl::null(); > _soundServer =3D Arts::SimpleSoundServer::null(); > > especially not in the stop() of kaiman. However, what they do is lead t= o > ever decreasing volume. > > Why? You play a song. A volume control effect gets created and inserted= in > initArts(). You stop it. The soundserer and volumecontrol effect get > assigned to null(). (WHY THIS?). Note that this doesn't actually kill t= he > volume control effect, as this still lives happily in the effect stack. > > When you push play again, then kaiman sees: ah, got no soundserver. And > goes creating yet another volume control effect. And so on. Of course, = if > you do turn up the volume to the maximum this doesn't impact you (like > audio signal * 1 * 1 * 1 * 1 =3D audio signal), but if you don't the ov= erall > volume steadily decreases. > > The patch also happens to do other stuff like setting default fragment = size > to -F 5 -S 8192 (which is the kcontrol default, also), and replacing th= e > monolithic sleep(5) with segmented sleeps. Please anybody, review, comm= it. I'm playing mp3s for the whole day now with this patch. Everything seems = to=20 be fine. Schimmi ---------------------------------------- Content-Type: text/plain; name=3D"unnamed" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Content-Description:=20 ---------------------------------------- --=20 #! /bin/sh for DVDs in Linux screw the MPAA and ; do dig $ ; done | \ perl -ne 's/\.//g; print pack("H224",$1) if(/^x([^z]*)/)' | gunzip _______________________________________________ Kde-multimedia mailing list