This is a MIME multipart message. It is possible that your mail program doesn't quite handle these properly. Some or all of the information in this message may be unreadable. --===============1826433133773703511== Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="----------32394--1410933603-----" This is a MIME multipart message. It is possible that your mail program doesn't quite handle these properly. Some or all of the information in this message may be unreadable. ------------32394--1410933603----- Content-type: text/plain Please find below a list of the current regressions and release blockers for KDE multimedia This search was scheduled by Regressions and release blockers for KDE multimedia (1 bugs) --------------------------------------------------- Bug 290706: Severity: crash Priority: HI Platform: Fedora RPMs Assignee: Status: NEEDSINFO Resolution: BACKTRACE Summary: amarok crashes after trying to start playing song [@ Phonon::Gstreamer::Pipeline::cb_setupSource] ------------32394--1410933603----- Content-type: text/html [KDE Bugtracking System] REMINDER: regressions and release blockers in KDE multimedia
Please find below a list of the current regressions and release blockers for KDE multimedia

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Regressions and release blockers for KDE multimedia (1 bugs)

ID Severity Priority Platform Assignee Status Resolution Summary
290706 crash HI Fedora RPMs NEEDSINFO BACKTRACE amarok crashes after trying to start playing song [@ Phonon::Gstreamer::Pipeline::cb_setupSource]
------------32394--1410933603------- --===============1826433133773703511== Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Content-Disposition: inline _______________________________________________ kde-multimedia mailing list --===============1826433133773703511==--