Hmm! Well i guess it makes kinda sense. I was in a hurry and not barely awake when i wrote this

I've been experiencing some really curious stuff when it comes to

As i don't need a full-blown desktop environment (i just use
some application from both kde and gnome mostly kde tho) i kinda created
my own window manager consisting of compiz, compiz-deskmenu and awn. One
of my fav programs is and probably will forever be amarok.

Since kde-4.2.2 when i start amarok without doing anything phonon seems to
play music (progress bar is showing some activity) but i can't hear a
tone. I found out that i HAVE to start systemsettings before i start
amarok and execute the following steps to actually hear something:

Go to "Multimedia", check or uncheck the "Show advanced devices" checkbox
and click on Apply.

After that sound works perfectly but now this whole procedure starts to get
on my nerves. I tried to find out how (or better said if) i can somehow
automate this whole process using qdbus but till now i haven't found a
working solution.

So does anybody experience the same issues and have a working solution?
Actually any input would be welcome as i ran out of ideas.

I hope that's better now ;) Also i CC'ed kde-multimedia-mailinglist as they
probably know better what's going on here.



On 21.04.2009 12:21, Mark Kretschmann wrote:
On Tue, Apr 21, 2009 at 12:13 PM, Christoph Spielmann <> wrote:
Hi everybody!

I've been experiencing some really curious stuff when it comes to
phonon. As i don't need a full-blown desktop environment (i just use
some application from both kde and gnome mostly kde tho) i kinda created
my own window manager consisting of compiz, compiz-deskmenu and awn. One
of my fav programs is and probably will forever be amarok. Since
kde-4.2.2 when i start amarok without doing anything phonon seems to
play music (progress bar is showing some activity) but i can't hear a
tone. I found out that i HAVE to start systemsettings before i start
amarok and execute the following steps to actually hear something: Go to
"Multimedia" and check or uncheck the "Show advanced devices" checkbox
and click on Apply. After that sound works perfectly but now this whole
procedure starts to get on my nerves. I tried to find out how (or better
said if) i can somehow automate this whole process using qdbus but till
now i haven't found a working solution. So does anybody experience the
same issues and have a working solution? Actually any input would be
welcome as i ran out of ideas.

I'm a big fan of structuring text with paragraphs. I refuse to read
unstructured blobs of text.