(anybody alive? :P)
I've just committed some changes in mplayerthumbs, so it can use phonon as backend snapshot source.
To make it work i also needed to commit some changes in xine backend (rev. 956547) and i'll need to make the snapshot() method public in videowidgetinterface.h, and fill some TODO in other engines (the snapshot() method will need to be implemented). On no answers i'll probably commit it in the next days.

The mplayer engine is still available, it could be both enabled at runtime, or be disabled (as deprecated) at compile time, and enabled if requested (it's still useful, as on 64bit systems it allows to use mplayer 32bit binary with win32 codecs).

How about exiting kdereview and start introducing the video thumbnailer in kdemultimedia?
Also, suggestions about the config interface? remove it, add the engine selection to it, making a kcm module?


On Sat, Apr 11, 2009 at 12:01 PM, Marco Gulino <marco.gulino@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi all
The last week i (almost) finished doing some refactoring to allow mplayerthumbs to have a different backend for generating thumbnail.
Now, what about phonon? i'm trying to read the API related to video, there's an AbstractVideoOutput that has nearly no methods.. and then the videoWidget.
I would like to use a "dummy" video output to grab screenshots, but this means having something more on abstractVideoOutput.
But it was just a thought.. someone with more clear ideas would introduce me some kind of entry point?